3 axillary nodes palpated one positive node 36% vessel density=highly aggressive

This patient had three lymph nodes. The ultrasound vessel density shows only one of the nodes is active with a 36% vessel density indicating this lymph node alone of the three that were found is highly aggressive and needs to be treated. The image on the right is the pet CT scan confirming the same. The red circle in the bottom squaredemonstrates a quantitative measure of tumor vessels. Given that you have a 36% vessel density, you can follow it weekly or monthly depending upon the treatment- to see if it's going up or down in order to adjust the treatment or completely stop the treatment to avoid unwanted side effects of the wrong therapy.


Three Staging Options for Advanced Digital Breast Imaging
Advanced sonogram technology provides accurate use of sound waves to produce real-time images of the inside of the body. It is used as a complement to find anomalies and help diagnose the causes of pain, swelling and infection in the body’s internal organs while allowing the diagnostician the ability to zoom and ‘travel’ deep into the body for maximum exploration. Digital Imaging technology is also used to help guide biopsies and in many cases, even replicate much of the same reports of a clinical invasive biopsy. Imaging solutions such as high-powered Sonograms, Spectral Doppler, sonofluoroscopy, 3D/4D Image Reconstruction and the Spectral Doppler are safe, noninvasive, and does not use ionizing radiation. They also have the ability to provide early detection scans. ** Three STAGING OPTIONS are available depending on the patient’s current needs- to be discussed with practitioner prior to or during examination.

Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Typically performed for patients either self-identifying anomalies (bumps) for the first time and/or are seeking a second opinion + may have a family history of breast cancer (or other related cancers related to the breast)
This option scans the breast and the shoulder through which vessels and nerves enter and leave the upper arm; a person's armpit. This option is recommended for anyone who may be currently Undergoing cancer treatment... also anyone who has recently (prior to 5 years) undergone a mastectomy since it detects unsuspected metastatic disease

For a patient who is at high risk for developing a cancer or requires advanced confirmation of a current tumor treatment protocol since the 3D/4D computer analysis verifies the success of the therapy in a quantitative analysis by the unique Doppler histogram technology

Technology applied:

Technology applied:

Technology applied:

SONOGRAM: Seek subdermal masses, breast lumps, tumor growths, fluid-filled cysts, nodes or hematoma. Sonography can be performed in multiple scan planes with real time 3-D image analysis with power and spectral Doppler flows.
SONOFLUOROSCOPY: of intra/subdermal soft tissues is to be performed in multiple scan planes with varying transducer frequencies.
3D/4D IMAGE RECONSTRUCTION: For any lesions that are homogeneous echogenic and well marginated on 3D and 4D computer histogram analysis.
SPECTRAL DOPPLER: Search for hyperemia of any lesions. Power Doppler will show normal flows in the adjacent arteries/veins. Spectral flows will show normal tri-phasic waveforms. Search for any peripheral lesion abnormalities or focal vascularity.

For more information on Advanced Digital Breast Imaging, contact us at: 212.355.7017

The current standard in screening for breast cancer is mammography. However, this imaging tool misses some breast tumors, especially in women with dense breasts. Published data suggests that sonography can play an important role in detecting tumors that mammography misses. In fact, over 94% of cancers seen only on ultrasound were invasive tumors with average size of 10 mm, and in the studies where staging was detailed, 91% were node negative, meaning it had not spread and complete cure was possible due to early detection.

Power Doppler Sonography adds increased accuracy to breast imaging evaluation over ordinary ultrasound because it shows higher blood flow speeds, often a sign of cancerous activity in the breast. Studies have shown that suspicious blood flow identified by pre-surgery Power Doppler scans corresponds very well with the size, location and aggression of actual tumors that are then surgically removed. Thus, Power Doppler brings an important clinical dimension to breast cancer detection. 3D sonography clearly shows tumor margins and 3D Doppler affords an index of cancer aggression and metastatic potential.



Breast Sonograms and Ultrasound offers the following advantages:
• Highest accuracy in dense (lumpy, cystic) breasts
• Non-invasive-no radiation exposure
• Cost effective
• Can distinguish cysts (fluid-filled masses) from cancerous tumors without needle sampling
• Ease of image guidance for breast biopsy

Women who should consider ultrasound scanning of the breast include those at risk of breast cancer because of personal or family history and the presence of fibrocystic (dense) breast tissue which increases cancer risk by 400%.



Breast Imaging & Advanced Screening Programs
for New York Women's Groups & Organizations

LET'S UNITE IN THE FIGHT! In the spring of 2018, Bard Cancer Diagnostics (BCD) recently partnered with AWARENESS FOR A CURE (501c3) and The NY Cancer Resource Alliance to join the battle against breast cancer by establishing a foundation-based Cancer Screening & Monitoring program for all members of non-profit Breast Cancer Organizations and NY-based Women's Groups. This unique program works with all major health providers to bring the most up-to-date technologies and alternative diagnostic solutions (including "2nd Opinion" reviews) and regularly scheduled monitoring and EARLY DETECTION SCANS - all at a significantly reduced rates.

BCD also raffles off an Advanced Comprehensive 3/D & 4/D Diagnostic Packages for Breast, Skin and Lung Cancers for qualified organizations- a $2200 value. Inquire about our programs for Women's orgs: email
or call 631-920-5757. (vid1)

FAQ about Non-Invasive Sonic Technology & the Future of Cancer Biopsies

Since 1973, Dr. Bard established global recognition in the medical field through his contributions in the advancement of cancer diagnostic innovations. His special use of advanced imaging technologies are widely praised as the painless alternative and a more accurate innovation as well as a much faster solution for acquiring results over surgical biopsies. For the patient, it's a world of difference and immediate peace of mind when the 3D imaging establishes the diagnosis during the examination as you literally see the pictures in front of you in real time.

Q: How accurate is Advanced Sonography in identifying cancers? (open)

Q: Give us an example of your 4D Scan's accuracy over conventional diagnostic methods? (open)

Q: What types of cancers are most commonly captured with this technology? (open)

Q: How can digital scanning be instrumental in Early Detection? (open)

Q: What are the benefits of using the Doppler Ultrasound imaging for BREAST CANCER? (open)

Q: Why scan the lymph nodes in the axillae? (open)

Q: What are the most recent upgrades in the cancer imaging industry? (open)

Q: Can this technology be useful in other health issues and disorders? (open)

MPR-TV reports on Advanced Cancer Doppler Imaging. Meet Dr. Robert L. Bard (award-winning cancer diagnostician and expert imaging specialist) and see him break down the difference between a benign tumor and a fully-blown cancerous cell- and how using his advanced 3D and 4D Doppler technology makes all the time-saving difference in getting an accurate study.



Many routine imaging procedures can assure people that they are at risk for a disease or catastrophic medical event: heart scans, virtual colonoscopies, and lung screening are a few examples of ways to encourage healthy choices (nutrition, supplements, exercise, stress management, etc.) by reinforcing them. BARD CANCER DIAGNOSTICS is founded on the commitment to explore and implement the latest diagnostic technologies as a means of building the proper treatment strategy of many types of cancers. We also specialize in PREVENTION solutions for our patients who strive to maintain a health-conscious lifestyle as well as those who are at increased risk of certain diseases (hereditary factors or environmental exposure to toxic substances) by confirming that their efforts to prevent disease are working.

Using state-of-the-art equipment, Dr. Bard’s practice offers unique forms of sonography to evaluate blood flow related to tumor activity and to identify areas of suspicion. More tumor vessels signifies more aggressive disease. 3D & 4D analyses are non-invasive and rapid with results available to the patient during the visit. Patients in need of reassurance and world class imaging come from all countries for cancers of the prostate, breast, skin, thyroid and melanoma.


As of Jan '18, Dr. Robert Bard spearheaded a partnership with a host of cancer educators, medical practitioners and non-profit foundations (allied under to form a public resource program to aid in the advancement of the public's understanding about self-preservation from cancer and other chronic diseases. EARLY DETECTION & PREVENTION is a global health movement that promotes a higher regard for "clean living" - from toxins and a toxic lifestyle. Our program consists of four main efforts: EDUCATION, COMMUNITY CONNECTION, CURRENT NEWS & CLINICAL RESOURCES. EARLY DETECTION & PREVENTION brings the empowerment of wellness through group seminars, videos and the distribution of current articles & newsletters published/shared to all the major cancer charities and their members. 

For more information or to subscribe to our EARLY CANCER DETECTION & PREVENTION PROGRAM newsletter, contact Bard Cancer Diagnostics today at: 212.355.7017 - or email us at: Bard Cancer Diagnostics is located at 121 E. 60th St. Suite #6A New York, NY 10022. Visit the complete website:

According to the World Health Organization, early detection of cancer greatly increases the chances for successful treatment. In the ongoing battle against cancer, it is common knowledge that most cancers in their early stages are far more likely to be treated with positive results. Moreover, a thorough checkup of one's physiological analyses, heredity review and personal data gathering (from blood & dna tests) are all strong info-gatherings for early warning signs that someone may be a candidate for cancer. PROACTIVE tasking starts from AWARENESS, EDUCATION & REGULAR SCREENINGS. The right attitude of self-preservation and an appreciation for longevity is lesson #1. Pursuing a balanced lifestyle covering all the bases of nutrition, exercise, sleep, detoxing and de-stressing is also part of an overall plan for better quality of life.




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